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For the time being I'm only allowing three of one type of character roles in the rp until they all seemed to be filled. Than I will allow more of each. I am doing this so that characters do not become obsolete or over shadowed because we have too many of them. This list will only count towards the player characters and not NPC characters that are in the background or come and go for plot.

Special Note: Kids do not really count as a type. I'm only listing them so we know how many children characters are in the rp, but please remember not even children are safe from the dangers and horrors of the Apocalypse.

Hunter of the Supernatural - 3

Hunter - 2

Vampires - 1

Kids - 2

Scavengers - 1

Doctors - 1

Executioner/Person who does the dirty work - 1

Farmers - 1
Soldiers - 3
Mechanics - 2
Ranchers - 1
Sow/Make things from scratch - 2
Fishermen - 1

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